Saludos y bendiciones a todos los seguidores de nuestra página de internet. Les informamos que hoy viernes haremos el rezo del viacrucis en la explanada del Programa Misionero a las 6pm. El próximo 4 de marzo será nuestra Kermes de Primavera a partir de las 8am. Y también el 5 de marzo tendremos nuestra comunidad de comunidades en español a las 7pm. Les esperamos
Greetings and blessings to all our newsletter members. We would likek to inform you that today we will pray the Stations of the Cross on the esplanade of the Missionary Program at 6pm. Our Spring Kermes is fast approaching please join us with your family and friends starting at 8am on March 4th . Also on March 5th we will have our community of communities in Spanish at 7pm all are welcome. We hope to see each of your at our upcoming events.